Your path to learning the easiest and most proficient trimming method ever!
Your path to learning the easiest and most proficient trimming method ever!
Facebook Group: ABC Hoof Care Natural Hooves
The ABC HoofPrint Trim is a method that establishes a natural one-third/two-thirds balance to the equine hoof. It is simple to follow, reliable in theory, and evidenced by improved soundness. There are two primary locations at the bottom of the hoof used in mapping prior to trimming. The protocol is validated utilizing this sacred geometry before bringing a knife or rasp to the hoof. The ABC HoofPrint Trim will establish a natural balance heel-to-toe, even for the beginning trimmer.
Understanding how the internal structures work provides the trimmer a strong rationale for removing excess capsule wall and excess bar to create a healthy balance and prevent interference to hoof function. A simple gauge, called the HoofPrint Ring, has revolutionized the way we can trim by ensuring a good balance heel-to-toe. Knowing how to use this simple method of mapping provides an outline on the hoof that predicts balance before trimming.
The sole area has two constants that are recognizable and cannot be distorted by a hoof that is excessively long, flared, underrun, or foundered. Knowing what, where, and why we should trim allows us to map a plan that will improve form without doing harm.
These two constants are the baseline and fulcrum: the baseline showing where the heel purchase should end and the fulcrum dividing the bottom of the hoof in half.
The fulcrum is the point at the quarters where the front shape of the hoof going outward changes directions to the back of the hoof going inward. The length of the fulcrum establishes the distance from the baseline to the toe.
Part of the geometry within the hoof is that the length of the fulcrum (side-to-side) equals the length between the baseline and toe at the top of the hoof. These two equal lengths bisect each other in their middle, creating the vertical and horizontal diameters of a circle. That is how the concept of using an adjustable ring gauge came about.
This 80-page manual will teach a method entirely new and on a different plane from anything of the kind that has yet been presented. Educators on trimming and management of the equine hoof are numerous, but their writings leave novice trimmers without the tools to help them improve hoof form while doing no harm. I have developed a useful algorithm to map and chart the hoof prior to trimming that can do just that.
The ABC HoofPrint Trim method ensures balance from heel-to-toe and side-to-side, even for the beginning trimmer.
Case studies on foundered horses were the impetus for developing the HoofPrint Trim. A need to come up with a usable and easy trimming protocol that safeguards the hoof from harm was the driving force. For many hoof care providers, mapping and understanding how to balance the hoof can take years to learn and master. The HoofPrint Trim method has shortened this long learning curve by giving students of the hoof a basic understanding of its structure through the use of three gauges, which help them decide where to trim. They now have a quick and easy mapping method to use when trimming hooves.
I have developed this method not because I expect to be financially repaid but because I hope that by a careful and unbiased study of its contents, the reader may acquire knowledge that will be of benefit to our equine friends. I trust that my experience, as set forth within these covers, will be of assistance to each reader in correcting the unbalanced capsule and to understanding the importance of trimming.
I have attempted to make my explanations so simple with illustrations and photos that the reader will be able to use the HoofPrint Trim for almost any puzzling hoof condition. When done correctly, this method enables the trimmer to form a correct prognosis and an accurate plan of action. I have personally researched and challenged myself for years to prove the consistent reliability of the HoofPrint Trim by teaching others this simple and safe practice for balancing and trimming hooves.
The theories presented herein to the reader are those that I have tested thoroughly and found to work. Like any new approach in an age-old practice fraught with dogma, some readers may be skeptical. I hope that even the most doubting reader will test the methods with an open mind.
Although not all hooves can be brought to a complete and rapid recovery, the HoofPrint Trim provides a healthy boundary to assist the most difficult of hooves to achieve a form that better protects their internal structures during the stages of repair. Poor hoof conditions result from many factors: lack of timely trimming, disease in the hoof, bone demineralization, lack of good hygiene or diet, and poor hoof care for a long period of time. Consequently, these hooves do require more frequent trimmings and treatment to affect recovery, whether the recovery is complete or the best that can be expected in light of permanent damage to the bones and internal structures.
This is an age with scientific equipment to prove out theories, an age when our equines are more friends and companions than vehicles for tasks. It is a time that we listen to the needs of these amazing creatures with unbiased interest and fairness. What you will read in the following pages is evidence that hoof care is vitally important for our equine friends. This book is for them.
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